Saturday, March 15, 2014

       I finally got smart and made myself a goal list for each month of this year to help me stay on track (and not get distracted by squirrels).  The goals for this month (well really 7 weeks since I lumped March and April together).
Stripped Silk of my new Italian Renaissance
  1. Allen's Blue Fencing Breeches (DONE!)
  2. Amanda's American Civil War Day Wear (Wool Sacque, Cotton Blouse, Cap, Collar)
  3. Civil War Morning Wrapper
  4. Complete Sanitary Commission Projects
  5. Mike's New Armored Shirt for Western Martial Arts
  6. Corded Petticoat
  7. Civil War Creme Work Dress
  8. Silk Italian Renaissance Dress (material to the left).  This is the newest addition to my to do list is already cut out.
  9. Hem my Class-A Skirt.
  10. Fix buttons on Mike's ACW Lt. Commander's Uniform, my Sharpshooter Frock, my Canvas Duster
There was a flurry of sewing activity this week of March 10th, 2014.  I had a nice Friday afternoon of sewing with a good friend of mine Kate and managed to strike several things off my sewing to do list listed above including:
Possible Frog Design for Amanda's Sacque Coat
Just had enough pipping for my new Morning Wrapper!
  • Finally hemming the skirt of my Class-A Nursing Uniform for World War II.  
  • Getting all the stitching for Amanda's Wool Sacque Coat (now it's on to sewing on the trim - possible layout of the frogs to the left).
  • Completing all the machine sewing on my new Morning Wrapper (now it's to the handwork part of sewing down the hems & collar and layout/sewing of the trim).  I had to laugh at myself on how good I've become when judging how much piping I'm going to need for a dress.  For the Wrapper I piped the collar and the sleeves (both the armseye and the hem of the sleeve) and on the right was all the self piping I had when I was finished.
  • I've also gotten down to the "little stuff" on the Calico work dress I mentioned in my last post.  I just have the hem left to hand stitch and she will be ready to grace my dress form.

    This week I also completed the last of my sewing projects for the Sanitary Fair in Galena at the end of next month (the sewing projects include a couple of pairs of half sleeves, several placket pockets, and 7 large cedar satchels for tent or closets).  I still have to gather and price the buttons and linens;  but overall I'm happy with the items I've completed and it will be a nice little box to send to Wendy at the beginning of next month.

I found a nice place on the web to search for Civil War Sewing Projects that I thought I would share.  This website is at the University of Vermont and was created by Hope Greenburg.  This site has not been updated since 2000 but has great images and information from Godey's Lady's Book.