Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lots of life since my last post, recap January to March

It's been a long while since I posted anything to this blog and this year karma has done a good job of running between my legs and tripping me up. I figure I will give a summary of what's gone on this year.

Blue Ballgown ~ I did finish one layer of trim on the bodice and skirt before the President's Ball in February. I decided to stop there for now. I will add additional trim when the Winter Season rolls around to give the gown a different look. I don't however seem to have any pictures of me from the Ball.....

Reenactor Fest ~ Feburary
Lace Presentation ~ I thought it went very well, I had a pretty full room of about 20 people for the 45 minute talk on the History of Lace. I still haven't converted my slideshow to .pdf form yet (that whole life thing again). Erik Moan was nice enough to snap a picture of me during the presentation.
Selling ~ I had a booth as well next to Traditional Treasures and Gallowglass Academy. I did alright for the show and had a great time talking with customers and hunting up bargains on the dealer floor.

At the End of March Mike and I headed up to the Kenosha Civil War Museum for the one Day Expo. We went up to "man" one table and give a short Sharpshooter Presentation and we actually filled two tables! One for the military side of our unit and the other for the civilian side. We had a great time and then got to chow down at the Brat House with our good friends, Serena, Justin & Baby Merri! We got out of there just before the bands started playing, but I did secure some Sharp Cheddar Cheese for mom.

Well that's the first Quarter of this year. I will continue bringing things up to date over the next few days and also writing up some projects I've worked on this year.
