Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lots of life since my last post, recap January to March

It's been a long while since I posted anything to this blog and this year karma has done a good job of running between my legs and tripping me up. I figure I will give a summary of what's gone on this year.

Blue Ballgown ~ I did finish one layer of trim on the bodice and skirt before the President's Ball in February. I decided to stop there for now. I will add additional trim when the Winter Season rolls around to give the gown a different look. I don't however seem to have any pictures of me from the Ball.....

Reenactor Fest ~ Feburary
Lace Presentation ~ I thought it went very well, I had a pretty full room of about 20 people for the 45 minute talk on the History of Lace. I still haven't converted my slideshow to .pdf form yet (that whole life thing again). Erik Moan was nice enough to snap a picture of me during the presentation.
Selling ~ I had a booth as well next to Traditional Treasures and Gallowglass Academy. I did alright for the show and had a great time talking with customers and hunting up bargains on the dealer floor.

At the End of March Mike and I headed up to the Kenosha Civil War Museum for the one Day Expo. We went up to "man" one table and give a short Sharpshooter Presentation and we actually filled two tables! One for the military side of our unit and the other for the civilian side. We had a great time and then got to chow down at the Brat House with our good friends, Serena, Justin & Baby Merri! We got out of there just before the bands started playing, but I did secure some Sharp Cheddar Cheese for mom.

Well that's the first Quarter of this year. I will continue bringing things up to date over the next few days and also writing up some projects I've worked on this year.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Late January Update

I've not posted in a while but I've been busy trying to get several projects finished up.

Paternoster Class @ Maidens (Jan. 21st) - went well. I had 5 attentive students everyone finished the last knot before I had to run off to the Midlands Seneschal Meeting. I'm considering teaching the class again in the future and I hope to post the class on the this blog in the future.

Auburn School Talk (Jan. 27th). Miss Becker asked Company C/Berdan's Aide Society to come in and give presentations to 4 of her classes again this year. We had 4 Ladies and 3 soldiers come to the presentation and give information on fashion and military life.

Watered Blue Civil War Ballgown - There has been great progress on this new gown but it was not finished by the Midwest Civilian Conference in Springfield. (I'll blog a post-conference field report this coming week).
Last week I double-boxed pleated the waist and got the waistband sewn onto the gown before leaving for the Festival of Maidens in Champaign, Il. I finished sewing down the inner waistband by hand during the court.
I switched gears and moved back to the bodice to punch and apply the metal eyelets to the back of the dress. For Christmas, I got a new eyelet tool called a Crop a Dile by We R Memory Keepers. This tool was a great suggestion from Heather, and after very little trial I found this gadget is great for apply eyelets to fabric. Yes, yes I know I still have to cover all the eyelets...

Then it was on to applying the first row of white woven ribbon trim I've been making on and off since late November last year. I finished hand sewing this first application earlier today (Saturday). I have a second row of trim to start applying and I have a couple different motifs I'm mulling over; oval/round pattern or a clover/leaf pattern. I won't decide for sure until I start pinning the pattern on the skirt tomorrow!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Project Mayhem

While I've not posted so far in the new year, I've been active getting new items done. The four hours per day New Years Resolution is going very well and I have new Chatelaines and Brooches to show for it; as well as some new concepts on the drawing board. The "Mary Project" is almost finished and I should have pictures to post soon.

As for sewing, my ballgown is coming closer to being finished, I hope to get the bodice fit on Sunday after the annual meeting for my Sharpshooter Unit. My other
dress project hit a bit of a snag with the hem saver for my underskirt, but after a hour of fussing the 'saver is pinned and I should finish up the skirt this evening during SCA practice. The next step will be fitting the under-bodice. Both dresses are on track to make their deadlines. I'm also working on an 1886 bustle. the pattern is all finished and I plan to cut out the fabric for the test piece tonight.

Sadly, due to some weird stomach flu, Mike spent part of the week sick. He thought he had kicked it but when he tried to warm up during SCA practice last Thursday he got worse again. Since the only activity that wouldn't make him nauseous was sitting, we decided early on Friday to not attend the Timekeeper's Gala. Once Mike's fever broke for good we started for Hermann, Mo. to meet up with a couple of friends of ours. We checked in on Saturday and spent the rest of the New Years Weekend at the Hermann Hill Vineyard and Inn. Rather than staying at the inn proper, Mike and I held up in one of the River Bluff Cottages, number 402, while Alex and Jill stayed upstairs in 401. The rates are expensive, but worth every penny, and include gormet breakfasts, snacks and evening desserts for each day. This year they were a WONDERFUL GIFT from our friends (and we have ways of paying you back for your kindness!). Above is a picture of the suite from the Herman Hills Website, and to the left is a floor plan of our suite, and yes you see a jacuzzi hot tub and two fireplaces... While we were there to relax, I always bring some supplies in case inspiration strikes and as usual it did.
Jewelry parts and ribbon trim did end up getting sprawled on the kitchen table in the suite for a while. I've posted pictures of one of the completed projects.

Now it's on to editing pictures for eBay...back to the grind.