Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 8 (6 days from Steam Century Mysteries)

What happened to Day 7 you ask? It was Easter Sunday was a day of rest, family and celebration. No new sewing to report. Not to mention my head cold sucked!

Today, I helped my friend Donna create her first garment for Civil War Reenacting. A work stay from Past Patterns. It's an easy item to make, requiring no busk or boning and will allow her to acclimate to the tight clothing of the period. When she left today she had the bias/cording and eyelets to put in. I am so very proud that I could help walk her through the process. I also loaned her one of my work dresses to try on.

As for my corset. Most of the fixes are in and I've started to work on the dress jacket. Right now with such a short window I have to consider this may not get done in time. With this in mind, Mike and I created a backup plan for me, just in case my cold and schedule get the best of me.

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