Auburn School Talk (Jan. 27th). Miss Becker asked Company C/Berdan's Aide Society to come in and give presentations to 4 of her classes again this year. We had 4 Ladies and 3 soldiers come to the presentation and give information on fashion and military life.
Watered Blue Civil War Ballgown - There has been great progress on this new gown but it was not finished by the Midwest Civilian Conference in Springfield. (I'll blog a post-conference field report this coming week).
Last week I double-boxed pleated th
I switched gears and moved back to the bodice to punch and apply the metal eyelets to the back of the dress. For Christmas, I got a new eyelet tool called a Cr
Then it was on to applying the first row of white woven ribbon trim I've been making on and off since late November last year. I finished hand sewing this first application earlier today (Saturday). I have a second row of trim to start applying and I have a couple different motifs I'm mulling over; oval/round pattern or a clover/leaf pattern. I won't decide for sure until I start pinning the pattern on the skirt tomorrow!